The first day of ZIMUN 2018 Summery

 The first day of ZIMUN 2018 Summery

Michell Svesve

The India times

The first day of ZIMUN 2018 commenced really well. Delegates in all committees came dressed to the occasion and seemed ready to get down to business.The mood in the ECOSOC committee was calm and relaxed and so were the chairs ,Mutale Kulilishika from Harare International School and Rufaro from  Peterhouse Boys School.

The chairs made the delegates play a game to break the ice and awkward silence that existed in the room. Each delegate would stand and introduce themselves to the committee and tell their fellow delegates what it is that made them interesting.Some of the delegates found it hard to say what it is that made them interesting but I guess that in itself must count as interesting.The delegate of Ghana was the only African country in the committee.

After the game the delegates were given the rules to the debate procedure and getting those who did not know familiar with them.Later the delegates were asked to sit according to their allies as they began to look into the  first topic of Debate in the ECOSOC committee “Exploitation of migrant workers in the Middle East “All the delegates found this topic more interesting hence they all decided to work collaboratively on this topic. They all got down to business like professionals having a few disagreements here and there but resolving them quietly without conflicts .Surely they had already started exercising the theme of this years conference “Overcoming conflict”.Of all the delegates though Canada was very keen on working on the Measures to alleviate the instability in oil producing countries but to his disappointment all the delegates opted to work on the other topic first.

.Because of time constraints they could not finish their resolutions but were tasked with having them ready by tomorrow morning so that debating would start the following day.The delegates ended the day by sharing emails and contacts so that more work could be done once they got home.

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